Thursday, June 29, 2006

Lasting Treasure

The rich, young ruler in Mark 10 loved his wealth more than anything else in the world. He couldn’t possibly think of giving it up to follow Jesus Christ. It wasn’t that Jesus scolded him for having money; his problem was that he loved his money more than he loved God.

A few verses later, the Apostle Peter says, “See, we have left everything and followed you.” Peter still didn’t understand that Jesus was after more than what is on the surface. Jesus wants to capture our hearts. He does speak of family, houses and lands as things that will have to be given up to follow Him, but, even more, from His dealing with this young man we see that He is after our motivation for why those things are so important to us. It is only there that we are able to see how much we love tangible things and intangible things.

Earlier in the Gospel of Mark, the disciples had one of many arguments as to who would ultimately be the greatest in the Kingdom of God. This discussion was rooted in pride and self-centeredness. Rather than cooperating with God to raise up Jesus as the greatest in the Kingdom, they were trying to figure out how they could find their way to that spot. My point is that we hold on to more than just stuff. We hold on to ideas, methods, desires, motivations, reputation, etc., which cannot be touched but can certainly be idols.

Won’t you ask God to help you see what you love more than Him? Why not ask Christ to help you love Him above everything else? Ask Him to show you the idols in your life and grant you the grace to surrender them to Him. Then act…turn over your temporary treasures to Christ…for One that will last forever and bring peace and joy to your heart!

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